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優惠名稱: Very yellow light. Golden Falls. Queen of nine queen bee head. Freshwater Fishermans Wharf. Freshwater Street. Taxi. Car Rental. Cheap cheap Taiwan chartered. Taipei chartered day tour ..
優惠日期: 2017/4/30 - 2030/12/31
優惠地點: Very yellow light. Golden Falls. Queen of nine queen bee head. Freshwater Fishermans Wharf. Freshwater Street. Taxi. Car Rental. Cheap cheap Taiwan chartered. Taipei chartered day tour ..
聯絡人: 台灣假期.台中包車.台灣包車.蓬萊仙島租車公司
聯絡電話: 0916-396569
聯絡傳真: 04-24376202

Very yellow light. Golden Falls. Queen of nine queen bee head. Freshwater Fisherman's Wharf. Freshwater Street. Taxi. Car Rental. Cheap cheap Taiwan chartered. Taipei chartered day tour ..3500NT

E-mail信箱:op0311@yahoo.com.tw  24小時皆可以來信


自由行租車洽詢     蓬萊仙島租賃有限公司   統編:42679875   聯絡人:林小姐

旅遊行程規劃跟團洽詢  嘉威國際旅行社有限公司  註冊編號82880  執照號碼:甲05126
統一編號:82861940 聯絡人:林小姐




~ Itinerary is in accordance with the guests can be free to increase or decrease ~
The following are the same as the "
Freshwater street freshwater fisherman wharf whistle forest night market Shihlin official residence cat empty cable car Taipei City Zoo golden waterfall gold museum Keelung temple mouth peace island very day light Pingxi nine old street Beitou hot spring Yangming Mountain wild willow geology park gold museum gold waterfall Palace Museum Taipei City Zoo Ningxia Night Market Raohe Night Market Wulu Po District 101 Building Zhongzheng Memorial Hall ... can choose 4-6 ... ... or you can plan their own attractions
The following are the same as the "

Hsinchu Miaoli Taichung suburbs
Hsinchu Inner Bay Old Street Great Lakes Strawberry Château Chocolate Chow Chow Shengxing Railway Station San Yi Tao Wood Carving Street Balloon Museum Lugang Street Longshan Temple Flying Cattle Ranch Tianma Pasture Mud Mullibao Paradise take strawberry ... can choose 4-6 ..... Or you can plan your own attractions
The following are the same as the "
Nantou Qingjing area attractions
Set up. Water drive snake kiln smile ladder micro fever hills monster village Xitou ladder Taiwan Ma Ma for the factory Lushan Hot Springs Sun Moon Lake Cable Car Tour Lake Paper Church Guangxing Paper Laos Puli Winery 18 degrees C chocolate imitation knocked woodwork imitation Confucius Temple / Tea eggs in the temple to the mountain visitors to the center of the Qing Dynasty farm small Swiss garden / carton Wang Jiu culture village name surname strawberry gossip mountain Changhua fan station head of the first Treasure Island era village Taiwan balloon museum ... can choose 4-6 ..... Or you can plan your own attractions

Taichung City attractions
Miyako Ophthalmology ice shop 20 warehouses Taichung Science Museum Qiuhonggu art museum lavender forest Meilin hydrophilic shore cherry forest new agency castle also see a smoke 100 mushroom garden Dongdong taro round cardboard box king of the heart of the Court of Valentine's Bridge Rainbow dependents high beauty wet Taichung Fishing port Fengjia night market in a shopping district poly Kui home (three monuments) Dongfeng Iron Road ... can choose 4-6 ... ... or you can plan their own attractions
The following are the same as the "

Tainan attractions
Crystal Church, North Gate Visitor Center, Dairy House, four grass tunnels, billion loaded Jincheng, Chikan House, deer ear door days after the palace, fishing port seafood, Anping castle, Anping tree house Yanping Street, World snake Wang farm, (The coral pool) is located in the heart of the town of Tanzania, which is located in the heart of the Yangtze River, , The city of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Bin Bin historical park, salt octagonal floor, the North Gate sightseeing fishery (Haitao Park), Minxing haunted house cafes, Ma Dou pickles Lane ... can choose 4-6 ... ... or can Plan your own attractions
The following are the same as the "

True love pier Qishan old street city light Gallery Xingda port, Valentine's Wharf Foguang Shan Min Nong Folk Village Huang Butterfly Tsui Qiaotou Sugar Factory Banping Mountain Natural Park original country edge umbrella culture village flag lighthouse flag after the fortification of Lake Scenic Area slim hole , Shijiazhuang, Yixian Tian Gold Coast (Amitabha Beach Playground) Qishan Sugar Factory Sungai Arboretum (Shuangxi Ruji) Wushan top mud volcano not hot spring Lingshan trail new female lake Yongan Yantian wetland eighteen Lohan mountain lover tree blacksmith street pond Lake Scenic Area, Xizi bend, British Consulate, Kaohsiung love river, Liuhe night market Dashan suspension bridge ... can choose 4-6 ... ... or you can plan their own attractions
The following are the same as the "

Kenting attractions
National Marine Life Museum, Sand Island, Dapeng bend, Hengchun fire mouth, Jiale water, cat nose, Guanshan dusk, Kenting street, saili stone, South Bay, Baisha Bay, after the wall of seafood ... can choose 4-6 ... or you can plan your own attractions

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